Plug Dj Commands

  1. Plug Dj Commands Free
  2. Plug Dj Commands
  3. Plug Dj Commands Command
Commands Rules

    1. No songs over 5 minutes. Songs over 5 mins 30s will be auto skipped by a bot.
    NOTE: if you want to play longer song, ask for permission from moderators.
    2. Don't Ask for Skips.
    4. No songs that are in the DJ History (Past 50 songs).
    6. No gore/ gore related videos (exceptions will be made for Music Videos).
    On Stream Rules
    1. While Forsen listens to you can't play
    1. Sanic
    3. MLG (Montage Parodies)
    5. Skrollex (A Parody of skrillex)
    6. Songs saying the word 'Nigger' (Nigga is allowed)
    8. Ear rape in general
    2. Good/ popular songs that are in the DJ History will NOT be skipped after 25 songs have passed.
    3. Classical music CANNOT be skipped By mods while Forsen is in PlugDJ
    4. If a foreign song (non-English) is played twice in a row it will be skipped.
    Off Stream
    1. Song WILL be skipped unless you have a permission for it.
    2. Muted for 15 Minutes. Repeated offense will be longer mute or ban.
    3. Muted for 15 Minutes. Repeated offense will be longer mute or ban.
    5. Muted for 15 Minutes. Repeated offense will be longer mute or ban.
    1. All of the following songs will result in a PERMANENT BAN (Goats and Metal music depend on Forsen)
    2. Song gets skipped if it was played within the last 25 songs.
    4. Song gets skipped if it is not good.

Plug Dj Commands Free

Plug Dj Commands

Plug Dj Commands

Plug Dj Commands

Plug Dj Commands Command


If this does not work, go to basicBot.js and copy paste its content into your console (accessible in chrome by pressing F12) when on in your community. These can be found in the commands list. Examples of blacklists can be found in the customization repository. You can add blacklists in the settings of the bot via. RCS, Radiant Community Script. The fastest, most sophisticated extension for Packed with features, easy to use, fits in perfectly with's design!

Play - Start the Playing of AutoDJ (must be open in browser) pause - Pause the Playing of AutoDJ (must be open in browser)!tags - Show Current Tags for the Channel more info - Set Current Tags for the Channel. To add music, click on the playlist you want to add music to, there should be a bar titled 'Search YouTube', click on that and type a name of a song you like. Step 5: To play your songs, press 'Join wait list', this will put you in a waitlist to play your songs, on the top right corner you should see your position in the waitlist.