Titan Wartune

Mother Day is coming! A set of events is coming. Take a look and don. Event 1: Mother's Day Login Bonus What to get: Useful items, the exchange item Violin, and Flower Shield Title Card. Duration: 2020/05/08 - 2020/05/14 Event 2: Limited-Time Packs What to get: Spirit Covenant Pack I VIP Pack I VIP Pack II Duration: 2020/05/08 - 2020/05/10 Event 3: Rave What to get: Violin. In order to obtain the Legendary Form of this item, the player must collect 100 Lv 50 Legendary Stones and 10 Lv 50 Epic Helmet Shards. The legendary form is synthesized in Blacksmith, and consumes some gold. Note that the legendary form will have 5 new additional stats randomly generated. This item is able to be crafted by the blacksmith after the player reaches level 50. It requires 200 Lvl.


Patch 6.3 replaces Class Wars with a new PvP battle - Ares War. Use your wit, experience and skills wisely to defeat your opponents!

The event icon at the top of the screen, where Class Wars used to be.

1. Entry: Players can click the Ares War icon to open the panel and sign up.

2. Sign-up Requirement: Players Lvl. 36+ can join the event.

3. Sign-up Fee: 1M Gold

4. Sign-up Time: Duration between the end the event and the start of the next. Players cannot sign up while the event is underway.

[Gameplay Info] (multiple images)

1. When Lvl. 36+ players first click the Ares War, they can see the images of the Top 3 winners (see pic below). Players can then click the Sign Up icon and use 1M Gold to sign up.

2. After signing up, players will enter the main Area War panel (see pic below). This panel displays information such as: Server Top 50, My Points, Ranking Reward, Ares Shop and Event Start Time.

3. When the event is open, players can click 'Start' to prepare for battle. During preparation, players can adjust their status and use various scrolls and potions.

Wartune Titan Temple

On the left of the screen, players can see the top 20 players for their tier. Players can click the [icon] to see players from other tiers. There are 6 tiers in total (high to low): Titan - Legend - Master - Expert - Pro - Novice.

To the right, players can see their points and remaining rounds. They can also select their skills (see pic below).

Skill Info: On the matching screen, players can see the 3 random skills they receive. Players can use these 3 skills in the following 15 rounds (each skill can be used once during each round). If players are not satisfied with the skills, they may click 'Change' to receive another 3 random skills. However Balens are required for changing skills.

4. When players enter battle, they can use their wisdom and skills to conquer opponents... (Solo PvP mode, can take sub Eudaemons into battle.)

5. When a battle ends, players can view battle results, season points, win streaks and final points for the round (see pic below). Once all 15 battles are over, Apollo's Might, which can be exchanged for items in the Ares Shop, will be sent based on player tier. Higher tiers receive more Apollo's Might!

Wartune titan temple

1. Match Time:
A. Season: Event Season is based on real months. For example, the first season starts the first day of January and ends on the last day of March. (April - June; July - September; October - December.)
B. Matches take place on a certain day or days a week. Event time is 20:00 - 21:00. Matches only occur once a day.


Mars' Asylum: Ignores damage received for 1 turn.
Guardian Shield: Decreases damage received by 50% for 2 turns.
Arcane Competence: Removes cooldown for the next active skill. Lasts 1 turn.
Mars’ Will: Own Awakening points +2000.
Awakening Trauma: Enemies Awakening points -2000.
Mars’ Wrath: Increases own Rage by 80.
Rage Strike: Reduces enemies' Rage by 80.
Mars’ Armor: Increases the entire party's overall resistance by 200%, lasts 3 turns.
Mars’ Force: Increases damage for entire party by 200%, lasts 3 turns.
Cold Killer: Decreases the target’s received healing by 75%, lasts 2 turns.
HP Reflux: Instantly restores 50% HP.
Haunt: Removes one positive buff from all enemies.
Purification: Removes 1 negative buff from all teammates.

1. Rewards will be sent based on players' tiers. Players of the same tier receive the same amount of items.

2. Players are rewarded with Apollo's Might which can be exchanged for items in the Ares Shop.

3. Players will not receive any reward if their points are lower than 200.


4. Apollo's Might will not be reset and will not expire.

1. Players who have entered the event and have the closest points will be matched together.

2. Players from the same tier will be matched first.

3. When a player is the only person in their tier, the player will be matched with the top player from the lower tier or the last-ranked player from the higher tier.

[Points & Group Rules]

A. Points will reset once a season (3 months) ends.
B. When all 15 rounds for the day end and results are settled. Players' points will be deducted gradually (dependent on if the player has joined the day's event or not). Players with less than 200 points will not sustain this deduction.

Novice Arena: 0 - 1199
Pro Arena: 1200 - 3199
Expert Arena: 3200 - 5199
Master Arena: 5200 - 7199
Legend Arena: 7200- 9999
Titan Arena: 10000+

A. Only the top 20 from each tier will be displayed on the ranking list. The player with the highest BR will be ranked first if two or more players have the same points.

B. Rankings will be refreshed after each round. Rankings are based on points.

Looks like the Wartune developers finally dropped the the matrjoska-chest concept (when you buy a chest, it will be a gamble what chest you get). Still, chest contents are pretty disappointing lately. Here is a quick analysis of the titan weapon runes.

Let's see the contents:
Blood of Zeus - junk, I will max out my eudaemon in a month, completely free, using only farm.
100k gold - junk.
Eudaemon skill chest - junk, you can buy it for gold in guild shop.
Green flame - a 20 balens shop item, you certainly don't want to pay 39 balens for it.
Ice Spirit Core and Soul Core - junk, you get a lot more in elemental forest than Divine Energy. So you will have piles of these rotting in your inventory while you still lack Divine Energy.
Divine Energy - could be good item, if it wasn't super rare. Got like, 1 from 100 chest last time.
Skeleton Dinosaur card - the ONLY good item in the chest. Too bad that the chance is prolly the usual 0,1%.

Titan Warehouse

Now let's see the possible exchanges:
You know I'm not a big fan of gambling. Since the developers again managed to mess up something (eudaemon diamond synthesis is told to be 'once per event' but it's actually unlimited) I managed to have enough free titan weapon runes to exchange for a skeletal dinosaur and a hat.

Titan Warhead

The question is, what should you do if you don't have enough weapon runes to get the mount.

Titan Warehouse Cardiff

1.) Buy enough weapon runes so you can exchange for the mount. If you need to buy only a small amount for (max 2k balens), guess it's still an okay deal for a +50 mount. But if you need more, I wouldn't spent if I were you.
2.) Just open the chests and hope for good luck. I advise against this. If the chests would contain some useful items too, it would be okay. But if you have 100 weapon runes, open all, and get NOTHING, that would feel real bad.
3.) Exchange them for clothing instead. If I didn't have enough free runes, I would have done this. Cloth is always +BR. I wouldn't buy wing, though, wing is no more valuable than any other clothes in my eyes, so I will buy / exchange for them only when the developers realize this too.

Titan Warehousing

4.) Along with weapon scraps, exchange them for Wartune mythical equipment pieces, ie. Titan Stone and Titan Iron shard. I strongly disagree with this. First, you are in no hurry to make mythical equipment (unless you maxed out holy forge, which I doubt). Second, there are too many other sources to get these items: class wars shop, titan shop and prolly the new 8-person mpd.

Titan Warhead Explosion

What to do with weapon scraps? It's an item for all events in June, so it can be useful, save it up. Or, if you in need of runestones or fashion shards, get those.