Realm Of Kaerwyn

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  1. The Realm Of Kaerwyn
  2. The Realm Of Kaerwyn

Among the countless planes floating through the vastness of an unknown multiiverse lies one unlike our own. This nexus plane is a strange one indeed. It acts as a hub, a point where many other planes intersect. In image, it is not unlike the Prime Material plane where Earth exists, only it is inhabited by denizens native to the other planes. In the eons that it has been known, it has been settled by countless races.

This wiki will have information for both the comic and the role play (Don't get them confused!) Please excuse our mess, we're in the process of building the wiki now.

Realm Of Kaerwyn

DEC: Jan 2007 FEB: 31: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: JAN: Feb 2007 MAR: 28: 29: 30: 31: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10.

This wiki is primarily for the Role Playing environment that is Kaerwyn.

  • The Realm of Kaerwyn Issue 15 Page 61. 33 11 726 (1 Today) By JakkalWolf.
  • Kaerwyn is a planet that much resembles Earth in its climate and vegetation. The area of roleplay is primarily forest, surrounded on three sides by mountains, and the cape of a large lake to the north. With the exception of a few godlike dragons, none of Kaerwyn's inhabitants are native to the area (they 'rifted' into the realm.).
  • Article starts with 'The Realm of Kaerwyn is an IRC-based roleplaying game by Jakkal, the creator of the webcomics Black Tapestries, Crimson Fury: Legend of the Red Wolf, and the artist/co-creator of The Realm of Kaerwyn, a webcomic based off the RPG.'
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Player Information

Kaerwyn is a chat based, real time Role Playing Network. Kaerwyn uses Internet Relay Chat (IRC).

Kaerwyn IRC Server Information: If you are unfamiliar with IRC, please click here.

Quick Start:

All servers use the normal ports(6667), including +6697 for SSL connections.You will need an IRC client to connect, you can use one such as MIRC, AndroIRC, Mibbit, or even use the forum web client.

Password for IRC Connections: kpassword (This is not meant to secure the server, it is meant to keep spambots off).

The Realm Of Kaerwyn

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