Application For Willingness To Work

Your address of the selection criteria is your opportunity to showcase your skills. The document must be clear and concise. It should highlight what you bring to the role.

  1. Application For Willingness To Work Remotely
  2. Application For Willingness To Work Ethic
  3. Application For Willingness To Work Synonym

To help you write your application we are going to take a look at some general selection criteria and build an application around it. An entry level administrative officer role’s selection criteria might look like the following:

10.20 Willingness to change. When your assumptions don’t work as expected re-calibrate and try another way. Desire and willingness to keep improving. Solving Problems at Work. Inevitably problems are a part of our daily lives. Problem solving skills are important for the career-minded professional.

  1. Nov 17, 2020 Conveying a willingness to learn in an entry-level resume is highly important because employers want to know that candidates entering their careers will be coachable and adaptable to their new work environment. This example shows how the candidate's educational background and training experiences contributed to their development.
  2. By willingness I presume you are signaling your intention that you are available for work in that company and are immediately available. If so, be sure you compose your letter using only the best form of English.
  3. Showing Interest in Your Work. Enthusiasm also entails demonstrating interest in your day-to-day tasks. For example, you can describe your job tasks with interest when training a new employee, and you can offer tips for getting the job done more efficiently to others performing the same task.

Selection Criteria – Administrative Assistant

  1. Sound knowledge and experience of administrative practices, procedures and processes.
  2. Demonstrated ability to plan, organize, set priorities, and meet deadlines, accompanied by an ability to handle a number of tasks concurrently with minimum supervision.
  3. A high level ofkeyboard skills with demonstrated knowledge and proficiency in operation of computerised information systems.
  4. Well developedinterpersonal, verbal and communication skills, especially the ability to communicate with management and staff at all levels of the Agency
  5. Demonstrated ability to achieve results at the individual level and as a member of a dynamic team.

It is important that you look at the selection criteria and analyse the skills required (it is useful to look at the Role Duties in line with the Selection Criteria as this will give you better context).

Next it is useful to draw from the selection criteria the key skills. In the example above the key skills are highlighted yellow. The selection criteria will also indicate the level of experience required (for example above under criteria 1- sound knowledge is required) indicators of experience are highlighted above in blue.

Your next step is to align your skills to the selection criteria. You might think, especially if you have no work experience, that you couldn’t possibly apply – BUT – have a brain storm, you might be surprised by the experience and knowledge you do have.


Your school subjects e.g. computer courses, typing courses, any VET courses you have completed - any subjects that can be related to the workplace

What school committees have you been involved in - or where have you proactively gone out of your way to be involved in school extra-curricular activities

Are you involved in school choirs, bands, sports teams - what skills have you developed during these activities e.g. team building, communications etc.

Did you complete a work experience program?

Have you done volunteer or community work?

Application for willingness to work remotely

The way you set out your address of the selection criteria is also important. Make sure you first write out each criterion in full and then underneath write your address or answer. This makes reading the application as easy as possible for the selection panel.

Method for Addressing Selection Criteria

Talk about your knowledge of the criteria (using school, work experience or any personal examples you think are appropriate)

Give 1 or 2 examples of where you have utilised this skill, use the SAO technique.

Situation: Where and when did you do it?

Action: What did you do and how did you do it?

Outcome: What was the result of your actions?

Write a short conclusion for each criterion – remember to relate your conclusion back to your ability and aptitude to do the job.

Don’t feel that you have to write a novel under each criterion. There is no rule around how much to write. If you can address the criterion in 2 to 3 paragraphs that is fine.

Writing Your Address of the Selection Criteria

Sound knowledge and experience of administrative practices, procedures and processes.

This criterion is asking you to write about any knowledge or experience you have of administrative practices, procedures and processes. Administrative practices are those tasks undertaken in an administrative role e.g. typing, photocopying, filing, handling the telephone, taking minutes etc. Procedures and processes refer to the rules that are applied to those practices e.g. any procedure around creating a document – for example if you take minutes for a meeting what is the procedure to distribute the minutes to people at that meeting.

If you have undertaken typing or computer based courses at school you will have some knowledge of administrative practices. You can talk about your typing ability and speed. If you have completed some work experience use this in your response to this question.

Application For Willingness To Work Remotely

As a wrap up you should illustrate your ability to quickly learn processes and procedures and speak about your positive attitude. Often, in an entry level position, hiring managers may be happy to take someone with less experience if they have the right attitude.


My study at school, whilst not directly related to administration in a business environment, has exposed me to some of the processes and procedures that surround administration. I have completed assignments and have developed strong typing and computer skills which could be transferred to a work environment. I have also been involved in the school representative committee that recently organised an old scholars afternoon, this helped develop my administrative skills by telephoning old scholars, developing lists in Excel for rsvp’s and coordinating the event in conjunction with the school administrative team.

A good example of the development of my administrative skills was in assisting in the coordination of the old scholars afternoon. As part of this process I helped develop the letter to old scholars inviting them to attend the old scholars afternoon, mailed out these letters, compiled the rsvp lists and then assisted in the coordination of food and beverages for the afternoon. I also assisted as an usher and assisted on school tours for the old scholars, explaining to them recent changes to the school and recent school achievements. The afternoon was a great success and we received many compliments from the old scholars for our coordination of the event.

Whilst I have not worked in a business environment I believe my existing skills, coupled with my ability to quickly learn and keen attitude, make me an ideal candidate for this role.

Demonstrated ability to plan, organize, set priorities, and meet deadlines, accompanied by an ability to handle a number of tasks concurrently with minimum supervision.

This question can be easily answered using school examples. Think about the brainstorm you completed earlier in preparation for writing your address of the selection criteria – e.g. what committees or organising groups have you been involved with, when have you had to juggle extra-curricular activities with a heavy school workload.


My time at school has allowed me to develop excellent prioritisation and organising skills and I have had experience in meeting deadlines while submitting school assignments by their due dates. I have also been exposed to handling a number of tasks concurrently, illustrated by my involvement in the school hockey team which required training 3-4 times a week which became more difficult when completing end of year grade 12 exams.

An example of my ability to meet this criterion occurred mid last year when I was juggling hockey training, mid year exams and completion of my school work experience. To meet the challenge of such a busy period I prioritised my time around both hockey training and my work experience. I set out a plan for each day itemising what study I intended to do that day and what preparation needed to be completed for the next day. This enabled me to study effectively whilst still completing my work experience and attending hockey training and hockey competitions. I did extremely well in my mid year exams, our hockey team continues to win our weekly games and I thoroughly enjoyed my work experience without worrying about study. I believe this was a great outcome.

I am an organised person who can always meet a deadline. I have the ability to plan and deal with a number of tasks at once. I think these attributes would be directly transferable to this job.

A high level of keyboard skills with demonstrated knowledge and proficiency in operation of computerised information systems.

This is an easy one for young people who have highly developed computer skills. Think about the assignments you have written, the computer packages you use at school, presentations you have given, subjects you have completed in Information Systems or in computer skills subjects.

Application For Willingness To Work


I have an exceptional level of computer literacy and skill which has been developed at school particularly in my information systems subjects. I also further developed computer skills in my recent work experience where I typed up meeting minutes and assisted in developing letters for customers.

Application For Willingness To Work Ethic

I have used, and consider that I have a high level of proficiency in using Word, Excel and Power Point. I have used these three packages whilst writing assignments, in every day school work, when doing maths equations and in developing presentations for class work. I also use Microsoft Outlook at school and at home and use this for emails and for organising my school tasks and my calendar.

A recent example which demonstrates my computer skills is my recent development of a PowerPoint presentation for my English class. I firstly typed up the information I wanted to provide in a Word document, I then transferred this in to Power Point and imported photos and diagrams to make the presentation interesting. The presentation went really well and my teacher and class mates gave me extremely positive feedback.

Application For Willingness To Work Synonym

I have a fast typing speed of 65 wpm and develop new computer skills extremely quickly. I possess excellent computer skills which would be invaluable to this role.

Well developedinterpersonal, verbal and written communication skills, especially the ability to communicate with management and staff at all levels of the Agency

Everyone has the ability to communicate with others and we do this at varying levels throughout our lives. Interpersonal skills are used each day as we interact with people at school, in sporting clubs and at home. Below is an example of how you might answer this criterion. Use your brainstorm from earlier to help you come up with some of your own examples.


I possess extremely well developed interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills. These have been developed at school where I frequently work in teams and communicate verbally in giving presentations in class. My written communication skills have been developed in completing school assignments. I received an excellent result of an A in my Grade 11 English subject which identifies that I have an exceptional ability in this area.

An example of my verbal communication and interpersonal skills is illustrated in my recent involvement in the organising committee for an old scholars reunion. On the day I assisted the teaching staff to show the old scholars around the school, I used verbal communication skills to advise the old scholars of the changes made to the school and in introducing them to other students and teachers. My interpersonal skills were developed whilst working on the committee for this reunion. We had to make many decisions and work as a team in making those decisions. I found this an extremely rewarding experience.

An example of my written communication skills is demonstrated in my recent work experience. I developed a letter to be sent out to clients and then mailed these letters out. My work experience supervisor was extremely pleased with the quality of the letter I produced and commended me in my final report, saying that I had done an exceptional job in developing and distributing the letter.

I believe I have the ability to communicate with many different people and have the interpersonal and verbal and written communication skills that are required to be successful in this role.

Demonstrated ability to achieve results at the individual level and as a member of a dynamic team.

This criterion is looking for your ability to work in a team as well as working independently. As most team environments are dynamic and subject to constant change you should also try to highlight your adaptability in new and different situations and environments.


I am a good team player and enjoy working by myself and in a team. School work requires the ability to work independently, for example in study for exams and in individual assignment and the ability to work as a team, for example in sport and in team assignments or when studying as a group.

A recent example of my ability to work as an individual occurred when I was tasked with preparing a report for my hockey team’s newsletter, documenting our achievements throughout the season. I decided to get input from other players so interviewed them and used excerpts from these conversations in my final written piece. I also sought feedback from the team captain and from my English teacher as I was writing the report to make sure I was on the right track. The report was extremely successful and I received positive feedback from the team, our coach and my English teacher who all said it was an extremely entertaining piece of writing.

An example of my team work skills occurred recently when I worked in a group of 6 people on a school science project. We firstly had to decide on a project topic (as we were allowed to select this as a group) and then assigned tasks for each person in the team. We then worked individually on these tasks and collaborated with the group once they were completed. We then compiled the project report and presented it to our class. This team worked well because we communicated clearly and effectively and kept each other up to date on how we were each progressing. This was an extremely positive experience and I believe gave me excellent exposure to how a team can operate when all team members work together.

I believe my ability to work individually and as a member of a team is exceptional. The skills I have developed would be directly transferable to this role.

You might, at the end of your address of the selection criteria, like to write a closing statement, summing up what has been said in your address and your enthusiasm for the role. For You might, at the end of your address of the selection criteria, like to write a closing statement, summing up what has been said in your address and your enthusiasm for the role. For example:

In conclusion I would like to add that I believe I possess all the required skills for this role, I also possess an exceptional attitude and have the ability to learn new processes and procedures quickly and easily. I am extremely keen to develop my administrative skills and believe this role will allow me the opportunity to do this, providing me with a good basis to commence my career.